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Alrio -  Yesterday my hen laid two eggs.
Fio    -  THAT'S NOTHING! Three days ago my father laid a foundation stone.


Judge     -  Order! Order! Order!
Prisoner -  One Chicken Biryani, one plate roast meat, Raita & four gulab jamuns.


      A passenger in a railway compartment was chewing gum continuously. Sitting in front of him was an elderly lady who watched him intently. After a while , she said: " It is really nice of you to chat with an old women but i am hard of hearing"


      During a marathon election speech a candidate for the parliamentary election said: "I have been wedded to truth from my infancy." "Are the voters to understand that you are now a widower?" shouted one from the crowd


A reporter, interviewing a man who had reached his 99th birthday, said: " I certainly hope I can come back next year and see you reach 100." " Can't see why not, young feller," the old timer replied. " You look healthy enough to me".